
Whether your child is a senior in high school, about to start college this fall, or presently a college student, at some time in the next few years, there may be legal issues affecting you and them. This article addresses the following potential issues that may concern parents and students: alcohol and drugs, fake IDs, […]

Imagine you are a parent paying tuition totaling almost $50,000 a year to send your child to a to a well-regarded, pricey liberal arts college in southern Massachusetts. In the spring of 2020 COVID-19 hits, and the college closes its campus to students and transitions to “virtual learning” for the foreseeable future. As a result, […]

By James L. Rudolph Whether your child is a senior in high school about to start college next fall or presently a college student, at some time in the next few years, there may be legal issues affecting you and them. This article addresses the following potential issues that may concern parents and students: alcohol […]

by Robert P. Rudolph Turning 18 is an exciting time in every child’s life. Adulthood comes with increased freedom to make independent decisions. However, something all parents should consider when their child turns 18 is having the child execute (i) a durable power of attorney; (ii) a health care proxy; and (iii) a health care […]

By James L. Rudolph It’s around this time of year when the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and the air is crisp with the smell of a new semester that students all throughout New England, and particularly in this college town, begin to return from Summer Break to resume their studies. […]


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