Court Says Landlord Cannot Evict Restaurant Tenant Despite Numerous Defaults

After a summary process trial before him (without a jury), a Superior Court judge recently held that a commercial landlord…

3 years ago

Infamous Two-Tier Condominium Concept Addressed by Massachusetts Land Court

A recent Massachusetts Land Court case examined the validity of a “two-tier” condominium project. This two-tier condominium approach is also…

3 years ago

Project Labor Agreement Requirement Invalidated

In Massachusetts, it is not unusual for public construction contracts to include Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) provisions that mandate a…

3 years ago

The New Massachusetts Non-Compete Law

To protect their business interests, many employers include noncompetition clauses in their employment agreements, which place prohibitions on employees working…

3 years ago

Appeals Court Takes New Stance on “Pay Under Protest” Principle for Challenging Improperly Imposed Condominium Late Fees and Fines

In the matter of Trustees of 10 Porter Street Condominium Trust v. Cerda, the Massachusetts Appeals Court has, for the…

3 years ago

Massachusetts Employers – It’s Time to Update Your Employee Handbooks

Every employer is well advised to have a written employee handbook consisting of a written compilation of rules, standards and…

4 years ago

Workplace Regulations Up in Smoke? Changes and Challenges Faced by Massachusetts Employers Due to Evolving Massachusetts Marijuana Law

Laws permitting the medicinal use of marijuana were enacted in Massachusetts in 2012 and on July 1, 2018, recreational marijuana…

4 years ago

Since Covid-19, Many More Mechanic’s Liens Filed

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in reliance on force majeure and other clauses…

4 years ago

Evicting a Tenant: The Details Matter

Two recent decisions from the Massachusetts Housing Court revisited and clarified the importance of procedural details to landlords seeking to…

4 years ago

Bellalta – A Win for the Homeowner

In the recent matter of Bellalta v. Zoning Board of Appeals of Brookline 481 Mass. 272 (2019), the Massachusetts Supreme…

5 years ago