Jon Friedmann, who heads up our Litigation Department, recently concluded an Arbitration involving the building of a camp for construction workers in North Dakota. Jon’s client was sued for refusing to pay part of the acquisition cost of the camp. He raised as a defense the failure of the Seller to properly build the camp. Through Jon’s efforts the purchase price was reduced by ,151,668.49 by establishing during the Arbitration, by way of Counterclaim, the defects and deficiencies in the construction.
Jocelyn Campbell was recently appointed as a Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the Town of Nahant and she recently became a member of the Litigation Committee of the Real Estate Bar Association.
Bobby Rudolph co-chaired the Anti-Defamation League’s 11th Annual Young Leadership Celebration at the W Hotel in Boston. The event was attended by 320 young professionals and surpassed its fundraising goal. Also, Bobby recently participated in a young leader’s trip to Germany co-sponsored by ADL and the German Ministry of Economics.
Jim Rudolph was recently elected Vice-Chair of Associated Builders and Contractors.
Jim is a former Chair of ABC and has been the ABC General Counsel for several years.